This past week we had a lot going on. Brady turned 4 on Aug 1st (we can't believe it), so we first went to Chuckie Cheese on his actual birthday , then 2 days later for no real reason but just to have fun, we went to this restaurant called Two Toots in Glenn Ellyn where they bring your food out on a a toy train (every little boy's dream) and then of course the big birthday party with his friends on Saturday. We had a great turn out for the party including Katie's parents came up for it as well. Brady has several new school friends from his Montessori school that came and our good friends from the city came out to celebrate with us as well which means so much to us. Despite being a little melt-downish because he skipped his nap, Brady absolutely loved his party. He wanted a PJ masks theme (which for anyone reading this that has never heard of the TV is a pretty hot Disney junior show for the 4 year old crowd). Having a summer birthday to me means playing in the backyard and that is exactly what we did. We played musical chairs (didn't quite go over as well as I thought it would mainly because they were just wanting to be silly ) and attempted some organized games with water balloons. The water balloons were a big hit but not so much the organized games. We tried to do a relay race that sort of worked and then had them throw the balloons into laundry baskets without popping them.....but really all they wanted to do was to throw the balloons around and act we let them :)
Brady was in love with his cake.
Aside from Brady's birthday, we also had mommy's birthday to celebrate (we wont talk about which number birthday it was). Mommy's birthday was on Friday Aug 5th. Brady asked me if I wanted to go to Chuckie Cheese for my birthday (after just having been there for his) and luckily daddy knows his wife better than that and booked a reservation at a nice steak restaurant called Wild Fire near the Oak Brook Mall which is really close to us. He said that he checked out all the nearby steak restaurants and found one that was appropriate for kids , which made it all the better because the whole family could go. My parents were up for the weekend which made it really nice.
And then the grand finale for the weekend was Brooks' baptism at our new church. Alittle while back we found a Presbyterian church in Elmhurst that we really like and finally got Brooks' baptism on the books. Brooks actually woke up Sunday morning a little sick we think from all the food he ate at the party so setting off to church was a little different than we imagined because Charlie and I were alittle worried on whether Brooks would be able to get through the service or not. In true Brooks fashion, he was walking around the house playing and acting fine so we thought we would take our chances and hope for the best. And he did great during the ceremony. He seemed pretty confused when the Pastor put the water on his head and walked him up and down the aisle introducing him to the congregation but Mommy and Daddy were so proud of him and felt very blessed to have such a special boy.
And aside from all this, Grandma Sue and Grandpa Bob got to have lots of fun quality time with the boys. Brooks' new favorite thing is stealing people's had and walking around wearing them , so he was in love with Grandpa Bob and his hats. Brady got to make blueberry muffins with Grandma Sue which made him really happy. We are very lucky to have 2 sets of great grandparents for our boys. We couldn't ask for anything more.
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