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Welcome to our Blog!
We plan to use this Blog to update our friends and families of our new adventures in the Big Apple and New Jersey.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Charlie's trip to Philadelphia

We are way behind, but maybe someday we'll catch up :)

After we had a trip all over Ohio for July 4th weekend, we added one person to the fold on the way back to Chicago.  In Eaton, we picked up Katie's mom and the 5 of us (Charlie, Katie, Sue, Brady and Griffey) headed home.

Charlie had a trip to Philadelphia for training for work.  He had a pretty good time - a group of his co-workers went to the Kid Rock concert across the river in Camden, New Jersey.  Kool & the Gang opened up - and sang some of their famous songs like "Celebrate" - so Charlie thought that was kind of neat.

But the main show was Kid Rock - and it was really good.  Though as a group of accountants, we kind of stuck out as different from the crowd!

Back in Chicago, Grandma Sue stayed and helped Katie out as we prepared to move from Lakeview to Roscoe Village.  Katie had just started work, and Sue helped with Brady and helped pack up our house.  We had a month of overlap - so we could start moving things over on July 15th but didn't have to move out of the Lakeview house until August 15th.  Still, moving was going to be tough, so getting things boxed up a little early was helpful!

Sue flew back on Saturday, and we had another visit that night from Bryan, Kristen and their son Will - they were in from Columbus for a wedding and stayed the night with us.  We were amazed at how "advanced" Will had become!  He was walking and talking - so much happens in between a baby's first and second birthday!  It was so good to see them - and hopefully the L train didn't keep Will up too much that night!

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