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We plan to use this Blog to update our friends and families of our new adventures in the Big Apple and New Jersey.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ultrasound Pics and what we've done so far in 2012

Since the New Year we havn't done too much, other than quite a bit of work (Charlie had to go to Dallas for work) and Katie has been sleeping a lot.  In fact, Katie managed to sleep through most all of the college bowl games while still winning her office College Bowl Pick 'em Pool.  We also watched the Bengals disappointing playoff game at our friend Brian and Adrienne's house in Somers, where they got beat up pretty bad in the 2nd half against Houston.  We brought Griffey over with us - and he did pretty well being around their 2+ month old baby.  Actually, he was much more concerned with the cats in the basement!

Other than being fairly tired, Katie has been feeling pretty good.  This week she said goodbye to the first trimester and entered the 14th week.  Charlie came with to the 13th week appointment and got to see the baby on the ultrasound screen for the first time.  It was amazing.  The doctor measured all sorts of things to gauge if the baby was on track and everything measured just right.  The baby seemed very comfortable in there and started to wave its arms around to say hi to us.  The next 6 months are going to fly by, and although we have lots to prepare before his/her arrival, we can't wait for the baby to get here!

I'm not showing too much yet, but I have noticed a small baby bump starting to form. 

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