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Welcome to our Blog!
We plan to use this Blog to update our friends and families of our new adventures in the Big Apple and New Jersey.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

St. Patrick's Day and Catching Up

I know we are really behind on this again.  Charlie has been super busy at work and Katie has been busy searching for a job and interviewing.  Most of our days and nights just revolve around Brady.  He makes us smile everyday. He is 8 months old now and still no teeth and not quite crawling.  He likes to pivot around in circles on his belly and pushes himself backwards, but still thinking about the going forward part.

We were very excited to have a babysitter for St Patrick's Day (one of the girls that Katie had interviewed back in January) and get out of the house. This year St. Patrick's Day was on a Sunday, so most people probably celebrated on Saturday, including us.   One of Charlie's fraternity brothers was having a party.  Supposedly the party is a tradition and use to start early in the morning, but now that most of us have babies, we didn't arrive until noon.  Katie made some Sausage Sauerkraut Balls for an appetizer which seemed to be a big hit.  And we stayed for about 5 hours until we had to go relieve our babysitter.  It was a lot of fun catching up with friends we have here in Chicago and meeting some new people as well.

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